Types of missions in Eve online

•July 14, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Welcome again! Want to know more about your favorite game which is Eve online? Generally speaking, it’s pay-for-play MMORPG, using Sci-fi set. In-game player controls of his own starship and discovers various parts of galaxy and hunts. Technically 3 copies of the universe the main server “Tranquility”, the Chinese-based “Serenity”, and also server “Singularity” which is subject to periodic wipes when fresh content is being polished online. Just like in real-life, you can do various things for players in other to get cash, like protection, theft, racketeering, and ransom. Eve also includes piracy, which is simple pillaging player by other player from Eve online isk, main in-game currency.

If you are aware if you will quickly get bored with this magnificent MMO, I have good news for you – there is a lot of opportunities are a plenty to kill a little bit of time. Especially the missions are useful when you are booked on any hunting with fellow bounty hunters of the time, and it was like thirty minutes, so it’s not that lot, but it’s enough I suppose. I like doing that type of tasks whenever I have some like free half of hour to hour to spare in order to quickly relax. Well, this game gives me this satisfaction for real. Even if the tasks are mostly perfect source of income, there are still risks, and do not appreciate it you can quickly lose more than have acquired. Well, tasks can be an important source of (in-game fundamental cash) and various minerals, and the many benefits of adventure.

The missions are incredible and very varied, but it is not hard to get bored and offers a variety of purposes depending on the skill of gamer and needs. It is good to jump from one mission to another, would not feel tired. Types of missions in Eve look exactly like following:

# Courier Missions – Yeah being a currier is tough job, but often, this way you can get whatr you desire. I’m only doing this missions when I’m some of bored. It’s still nice and quite effective way to obtain more so need Eve online money.
# Become a miner – It’s maybe too boring thing, but often is the most effective way to get a plenty of in-game cash. Of course all these tasks involve the exploration and mining of precious and required minerals, a lot depends on the volume of minerals or ores and focus on your space in the cargo.
# Destroy / Meet – This is the universe most basic type of task seek and destroy or meet its target and destroy him. Do not need unique thinking but it is just fundamental that your spacecraft was ready for combat with the opponent. You have to be ready for fight in every possible moment. Without proper preparations there is completely no sense to do that type of missions.
# Trade Missions – Yeah, who doesn’t like good and old Eve online merchandize? As a player I like trading stuff, but in real life is far less attractive activity – especially if you need to argue with your business partners. Trade missions vary greatly from those couriers, primarily the amount of things that you’ll be transported to whom you were asked at the outset, the task briefing. These products must be bought (or produced) by the pilot and delivered to the destination station, which places can be risky.


•April 22, 2011 • Comments Off on Expandables

Today I’m tired so I don’t want to write anything important, anything to complicated. I just want to lie down and eat burritos. Lately I watched very nice movie for big boys called “Expandables” and I’m very pleased with this movie. The expectation for this movie is high with one of the best action hero line ups in cinematic history. It’s cool and I just can’t wait to see sequel with more kung fu, wrestling, or hand to hand combat celebrities! Movie is directed by Sylvester Stallone created one of the most important action movies ever! Jet Li, Jason Statham, Eric Roberts, Dolph Lundgren, Randy Couture, Mickey Rourke, Steve Austin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis. After all most of the people who will watch this film grew up watching action movies of the 80s and 90s. I really enjoy these movies so it was really great fun. Stallone was not afraid to contain violence for the sake of an age restriction but also wasn’t overly ridiculous which is in my opinion very good.

The Expendables describes a team of what could be considered mercenaries, or something like bounty hunters. They go on high-risk missions, guns in hand, and pick up the money owed to them at the end of the day. Lundgren, at some point in this jigsaw puzzle of a plot, was to be believed to have some kind of problem. Sometimes on the screen there are so many cuts in the action scene that you can’t tell what the heck is going on. Jet Li vs. Dolph Lundgren, was superb scene fight huge guy versus tiny guy that’s original, I mean I’ve never seen that before. There is one an amazing action scene, but it’s short. The plot doesn’t make a lot of sense, but there’s a lot of explosions and beatdowns which is very entertaining.

With so many people kicking and smashing at the same time, sometimes I couldn’t tell who was beating who. It didn’t happen often, but how awesome would it be just for one moment to see 3 simultaneous fights from a super wide master shot? Everything is entertaining and fighting sceners are fast, expressive and very suggestive – especially on the end (I don’t want to ruin your fun so I keep my mouth shut!). Terry Crews is one of my favorite actors, but he’s an superb actor and he was believable in “Gamer” and in this movie he is likable, and could have been a splendid character but the film gives you no background on him and you only see him at the beginning and end of the movie along with wrestler Randy Couture. So, if you don’t have what to do with your money, and you have some time that you don’t know what to do with it, and you want to see a good movie – go and see another movie, not this one. Mickey Rourke has a nice small part as a ex member of the Expendables, and Charisma Carpenter has a nice part as a chick who dumps Statham…

Stallone is growing as an action director; he brought some of his tense techniques from Rambo but was wise enough to go an old school for other scenes. There are some amazingly kinetic action sequences, but not Parkinson’s suffering camera man action techniques like the Bourne movies (We all remember them right?). If you want to see Stallone in some superb movie watch some old movie, but Expendables is definitely movie to watch. Sylvester Stallone enjoys his old age Renaissance with this amusing throwback to the cheesy action movies of the 1980s and 90s…

What can I say? Just watch it you are old enough!

ORE and mining in Eve

•January 24, 2011 • Comments Off on ORE and mining in Eve

Welcome! Ever heard about Ore ships? These beauties are created only for 1 porpoise, for efficient mining operations. Ore ships represent an interesting mix between functional look typical of Caldari designs and the more organical feel of Gallente ships. These machines are very expensive and you can’t install any weapon and – extremaly slow which makes them perfect target. You must watch out if you are flying in 0.0

Their main task is to mine and generate in – come ( a lot of Eve online isk ), although ORE ships are generally very slow and bulky to fly. They are unparalleled mining ships, receiving a lot of bonuses to mining speed and are the starships able to mount strip miner or ice miner modules.

Quite big cargo holds. Ore starships have a lot of space.
Highly specialized ships designed to be totally efficient at mining, so if you are miner you should get one
Ore ships are able to mine ice


These starships are slowest in Eve online, which makes them very easy target. Ore ship is extremely slow and massive
Other bad thing is that you are unable to mount turrets or missile launchers, so you need escorts in lowsec and 0.0 space
Every miner sure need a lot of isk to buy one of them. Easy to kill and expensive…well Ore star-ships are hard to buy and stay alive

Also I would like to show you short list of modules

Electronic Warfare – Debilitate your opponent with powerful weapon. With this stuff you can turn your enemy into piece of …you know what…

Smartbombs – Omni- directional energy blast, totally devastating weapon.

Engineering Equipment – Capacitor, Powergrid, and energy stealing modules

Electronics and Sensor Upgrades – Scanners, Sensor boosts, CPU boosts, and Cloaking. This wea-ponry is important during your adventures.

Propulsion – it’s totally useful Speed/Agility enhancement, Warp stabilization

Shield – Shield enhancements. For your better protection of your beloved Eve starship!

Hull & Armor – Armor/Hull protection, and physical ship function improvement.

Turrets & Bays – Weapons to fire at enemies, and modules to enhance them which is obvious. You can’t install so many turrets like Star Destroyer from SW, but several turrets can be deadly also. I like to fire this kind of weapons. I feel real power then…

Civilian Modules – Noobs modules.

Gang Assist Modules – Modules that boost your gang friend’s statistics, or other gang- based equipment.

Other Ship Equipment

Ship Modifications – or in other words “Rigs”. This stuff goes into your Upgrade Hardpoints – how important it is I don’t need to write you down here right?

Deployable Equipment – Cargo Containers and Warp Disruption Fields.

Ammunition & Charges – Stuff that make your modules work – you can move without them. Well, flying into space without ammo & charges = space grave.

Drones – Small remote ships with weapons or other very useful during game, capabilities. You can control some of them, but almost their number is limited.

About piracy in Eve Online

•November 13, 2010 • Comments Off on About piracy in Eve Online

The easiest way to make money in Eve online is to ransom starships, gamers are willing to pay more to preserve their ship and fitting, than they are to see it go up in smoke. If you just go around blowing people up, a lot of people won’t trust your word to let them go after a ransom, and won’t pay up so even if you are working as Eve pirate, you should have something like good PR. You can increase or decrease price – it depend on character age or fitting etc. You should also remember to be man of your word, if some pay you, don’t try to destroy him. It’s pointless and if someone know that you are actually crushing starships up after someone pay you, you just lose cash.

What is quite interesting, most players are very happy to pay the ransom to survive intact? Check out few tips about Eve online below:

– Damn I hate log out! If someone is playing with you – destroy ship! These can’t be tolerated if or double your ransom Eve online isk price! It’s happening all the time so stay on your guard!
– Real starship pirate must stay alert! Be prepared to fire your lasers and turrets at any target.
– People are trying to earn some time and ask for help, so don’t give them time! It’s very common method used by your victims, well just be tough pirate!
– “Commence primary ignition” – I just love stars wars just turn him into a pile of space junk, after that just ransom the pod. There is no mercy in this business you know…anyway your key is to get Eve online isk.
– That every player has friends, and they are probably organizing a rescue mission. Time is precious.
– Do not follow your victim to station or gate! Sentries will blow up your precious ship! Yeah it’s very common in EvE Online, charge to gate/station and die! Pirate must think to survive.

It can be great fun to have more cash. Well, if you are beginner just pick up small ships like tech1 frigates and cruisers. Probably best t1 frigate for pirate stuff is a Rifter or a Punisher, some people are also using an Incurs us too, and buy Eve online isk. If you confident as pilot or frigates, try moving take a cruiser. As a pirate you will need powerful, deadly and sometimes quite expensive weaponry and other stuff to be successful so take fitted platerax, tanked rupture or a Dura-Maller – it’s worth to buy.

– If your pray attack call you badly, insult you, – another few million / per each insult. This way you can earn a lot of Eve isk.
– Most common stuff is when your pray is attacking back! Best thingy in life of a pirate! If you are wining talk with him and raise your price, – yes it’s bad when you got to low firepower. Worst thingy in life of a pirate! If you are beginner it can happen, so don’t worry but try to do it better next time.
– If he is out of Eve isk, ask him to eject, and you will spare his virtual life. This actually works, even its stupid!

Try to watch out for other pirates and be prepared to lose many starships. It’s very common thing to be beat up by someone…

10 things about EvE Online

•January 7, 2010 • Comments Off on 10 things about EvE Online

1. Eve online is special, pay-for-play MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) set in a science fiction space universe. Saying simpler, player is commander of his own starship and exploring galaxy and hunting Eve online isk.

2. Eve online is still created and maintained, by the Icelandic company CCP Games. Eve Online is functionally a single-universe game. There are technically three copies of the universe running—the main server “Tranquility”, the Chinese-based “Serenity”, and the test server “Singularity” which is subject to periodic wipes when new content is being tested

3. You can take a part, in any number of in-game professions and activities, like mining, manufacturing, being a merchant, exploration and conflicts (PvP or PvE). We have several options when playing Eve Online in regards to how they interact with the community. Every activity is possible for solo gamers but larger and more complicated tasks become more feasible for groups (pirate clans or corporations), this way you can get a lot of Eve online isk.

4. If someone or something will destroy your spacecraft, you must pay for fresh one – there is no respawn like in ordinary MMO games. To make your starship a bit safer, you must get special insurance which costs lot of isk if you’ve got big starship.

5. In Eve online, gamers can’t receive any experience points, all character can only raise their abilities (progress is based on a live clock – same by which we are living). Ships in Eve Online are organized into classes, varying from tiny frigates to gigantic capital ships. Ships fill different roles and vary in characteristics such as size, speed, hull strength and their potential firepower

6. Eve online money is called isk or ISK, just like money in Iceland – nice one huh. But they are Intersellar Kredit.

7. In order enjoy Eve online, you need to pay for every month subscription, you have option to choose one of 3 subscription methods. First one needs a credit card. Second is well known way by game time card, officially called Eve Time Code. Third way is through the purchase of Eve Time Codes using isk – official in-game money mentioned before.

8. Players is officer of fully personal ships through a galaxies comprising over 7300 star systems. You are space pilot and you’ve got your own unique spaceship, with fancy lasers, explosive rockets and tons of lethal weaponry. Use them with head.

9. Piracy in Eve online (part of Eve online Player vs Player gameplay) is part of the game as is protection, racketeering, theft, and ransom. Watch out.

10. In Eve online has over 7300 star galaxies – some parts of space are safer, some are harmful and anxious to fly.
Anyway tutorial will tell you, how to get more familiar with Eve online and give you, many profits. Game is just way too difficult to risk of skipping the tutorial. Tutorial will tell you how to mine and refine ore, as also talking to corporate agents, as also how to participate in ship-to-ship battle. Don’t mention how to upgrade your spaceship, with various upgrades and use Eve isk on the market.

Safety in space

•December 22, 2009 • Comments Off on Safety in space

Welcome. If you are fresh Eve player you should keep in mind that is best for you to stay in high security levels, heavily patrolled by police ships (called “CONCORD”) and sentry defense. Well you have to remember that you can find out what security rating is in the system you are in specified time. You can do that very simple, by checking the system information located in the higher left corner of your screen. As I see it, rating above 0.5 is relatively safe.

(Concord in action – you should see it ;))

Ratings lower than 0.5 is…well just watch out and don’t get killed. You should be experienced enough to survive and sometimes even kill others, this way you can get a lot of Eve isk.

You should know that all, unprovoked aggression in galaxies with Security Rating (SR) of 0.5 or stronger is a CONCORD Sanctionable Action, and this police ship will act deploying Officers to annihilate the aggressor’s ship and take some Eve online isk. These Officer’s Spawn time varies from 2 to 20 seconds which directly propotional to the System’s Security Rating (The stronger it is, The less time it takes). Also, CONCORD will make weaker the aggressor’s security status. Well I had once very interesting encounter with space police and my starship was wiped out in several seconds, well I was too weak back then…

Also any unprovoked aggression in systems with SR between 0.1 and 0.4 will be remembered by CONCORD, also resulting in a security status loss for the bad aggressor. But there are no CONCORD ships in those systems to annihilate the aggressor. Only sentry defense positioned at the gates, and stations can respond.

By the way here are some descriptions of few starships in Eve

Freighters – large carrying capacity very, slow and without any arms.

Jump Freighters – they can jump, no needed to using gate system, and also much less carrying capacity than usual freighters. I played a long time using this type of starship and I think it’s very handy and agile machine. Of course you can’t carry to much in inventory, but it’s perfect starship for fast combat and manevour.

Capital Industrial Ships – Orca and Rorqual are both used, in digging in fleet thanks to chance of using three modules, at the same time which awards with bonuses for the whole fleet. Ocra cannot use ore and ice compressor – Industrial Core – so is used, to get some mining resources and transport it, onto the station or Roqual – of course you need a lot of Eve online isk, but it’s still very important thing to buy it if you have enough money or stuff like that. This way you can really get a lot of various stuff.

Exhumers – upgraded mining barges – Hulk is superior when it comes, to digging asteroids Mackinaw while digging ice and Skiff, is marvelous when getting Mercoxit.

Ok that’s all I need to go for a small walk or I will just collapse or die sudden death or something like that. This week is hard for me and I beraly can stand anything or anyone. Well, life is sometimes hard you know….see you

See you again

Eve scam

•December 9, 2009 • Comments Off on Eve scam

Welcome. Today I would like to add more news about scams in Eve online. As you probably remember online community of Eve, one player is very popular these days, and has barely had time to calm down and here it is another scam that is more shocking scam I mentioned before… Well it’s the story of a dude named “cally”, who operated his own company, to be more specific, this player ran a bank called Eve Intergalactic Bank. Well name of this bank sounds sure very nice. Anyway, he ran this bank in normal way so huge number of players deposited Eve online isk in his bank, also some loans and insurance like every regular bank. Mr. cally, one day, decided to take all isk from bank and ran away to space with a stolen total sum of 790 billion isk. If you don’t know how much cash it is, in ordinary life is around $170,000 – and it’s the largest MMO scam ever made. Nice amount of cash heh? I wonder what he done after doing this? Sell all money to Eve isk and other mmo cash sellers?

Well I’m thinking is going too far as I see it, honest players who just wanting to have fun are being punched in face without any specified reason. Several bans should help this online world, or all Eve collapse in anarchy someday…or maybe not? Players are not that stupid – Eve is rather game that need thinkers.

What is very fascinating, he also took the time to make a video in which he says about of all his crimes and just make fun from all EVE players…

And what do you think about that? I’m familiar also with mr. Ricdic at the time was researching peoples BPOS which can be of very high value, I was also offering the same service at the time, he actually wanted to work together and partner up with one guy I know, but after i purchased a domain name he him, he was planning to buy as part of his advertising strategy. It was safe to say he had it in for me with endless combat in the forums saying if I could steal his ideas I couldn’t be trusted. Fair enough he was proven right as time went on but you got to love what’s come around.
Now it seems this guy ricdic the almighty trusted one has pulled his own scam, well it’s not even a scam really more of a cop out. He had some medical bills and needed a deposit on a house, so decided to bail out and steal his control share of 200+ Billions Eve online isk, making around 5000$ or something like that?

By the way, CCP is developing FPS game set in EVE called DUST 514.
DUST 514 is a MMOFPS set in EVE Online universe and will be released only on consoles. In the middle of 2009, we could see a trailer of that production. DUST 514 is a first game, after the EVE Online made by CCP.
Game is offers a players a possibility, to take a part in conflicts for the planets, in the setting of Eve online. These battles will be deciding, who is actually ruling a planet – all what will happen in, DUST 514 will affect the galaxies of EVE Online. Game will have a micro-transaction system, not like EVE Online has a monthly-fee subscription (you can also buy subscription using Eve isk).

Iny my opinion, game is going to be totally marvelous. I am a fan of FPS games also so I will buy DUST 514 for sure!

Eve System Requirements

•November 23, 2009 • Comments Off on Eve System Requirements

U are interested what kind of computer u need to play in Eve?? Well, today I’m adding some nformation about minimum and recommended system requirements to play fantastic MMOG – Eve Online. In you’ve got system around minimum system requirement game can run not-so-fantastic (low fps).

Minimum System Requirements:

X OS: Windows XP / Vista
X Video: 32 MB 3D graphics card. NVIDIA GeForce 2 Series or greater, ATI Radeon 7200 or greater
X CPU: Intel Pentium III 800 MHz or AMD Athlon 800 MHz
X HD space: 6.0 GB (probably even more)
X RAM: 512 MB or more
X Network: 56k modem
X Drivers: DirectX 9.0c and latest video drivers

Recommended system requirements for EVE Online:

X CPU: Intel Pentium IV 1.5 GHz or AMD XP 1500+ MHz
X Video: 128 MB NVIDIA GeForce 6200 class card or higher, ATI 9000 series or higher and Similar chips from other manufacturers
X HD space: 6.0 GB
X Network: Broadband Internet connection
X OS: Windows System XP / Vista
X RAM: 1024 MB
X Drivers: DirectX 9.0c (included) and latest video drivers

I would like to add also interesting news related. The first part that will be released in November will contain mainly balance and finally- bug fixes – check it out:

– Tech 2 ammo balancing and other related changes
– Fighter bomber missile visual effects improvements
– Rocket balancing upgrade
– Window resizing, camera offset and more
– 80 new story line courier missions
– Additional anti-aliasing support
– Meta-item indicator icons
– UI optimization to contract delivery filtering- Cargo can now be dragged to hangar by dropping on Neocom
– Unique icons for Microwarpdrives and Afterburners
– POS gunners will receive notifications about control towers under attack
– Sorting deliveries according to distance in jumps or regional locations
– Adding faction ships to the market – which is great in my opinion

Mind you, this isn’t written in stone, so maybe it will not be in it. In my opinion, although it is a bit disappointing to not see some serious new things until January when another part is supposed to be released, its better that additional content actually works. Wonder how the CCP PR machine will spin this though. The lack of a trailer so far makes me think they will start promoting the January release rather than the November 1. It’s not all anyway, but we must wait for additional info about that. I’m currently looking for some Eve online isk guide or Eve isk mining guide, because I need some more sophisticated info about generating Eve isk or I just die. I got a lot of work in Eve and it’s maybe eating too much time so guide is really important for me.

On the end, small tip: when you start out farm for standings to get better agents and more Eve isk, so you can do higher level missions. Generally from level 3 to 4 was a long tedious run from what I can remember. This can be made little bit more interesting, if you can join other player’s missions in your corporation so you can standings faster.

EvE Online – so what’s the deal

•November 5, 2009 • Comments Off on EvE Online – so what’s the deal

Eve Online is a virtual universe, which is huge for about five thousand solar systems and thirty thousands of planets. Action of game is taking a place in very far future and it’s in whole galaxy. In the Eve Online players can become defenders, pirates, traders, miners, producers or also a scientist (the key is to get cash Eve online isk). What’s also worth notation, system of scholarship is made in that way, which players don’t need to be always, is online in order to develop.

Eve Online is much more different than usual and normal fantasy or even sci-fi MMORPG games. The main difference in game’s system and freedom in traveling through the whole universe. What’s also worth notation, there is no split into any severs. All players are on only one main server and in one galaxy. Whole galaxy is divided into five thousands solar systems. Thanks to this fact, Eve Online owns a record of online players at the same time on one server – best one count 53,850 logged users. Main server is turned off once per day at the 11 to 12 UTC. Great isn’t it?
The next difference from the typical MMO games is character development system – in Eve there is no advancement on the next level by killing NPCs. Instead of that, controlled character is progressing through training skills, which after some time are just activating – just like in real life, isn’t? Player is not advancing by killing enemies, but by time. Progress is even active, while players are not logged on.
Very important aspect of game is corporations – Coprs. These are controlled by players or by computer (in very little sum) companies, very similar to guilds in fantasy games. Free of any rules players; have made their politic system with their own borders, wars and divides. Biggest player’s corporations are mostly regions with large pile of natural resources, uncontrolled by the computer. Whole market is also controlled by players.
The main target of game is gaining a power, which is related to gaining a power and control over the game. Players can do by trade domination, political domination or also political. Players can do it locally, regionally or over whole galaxy – they call. Four main types of play are being a real war commanding officer, trader, and miner or being a space pirate (it’s risky business but you can also obtain a lot of Eve isk.
Over whole economic system, control has players. The main currency in Eve Online is Eve isk (Interstellar Kredits).
Ways to get money
– trading
– exploration
– production
– killing NPC or just PvE
– bounty hunting
– research agents
– mission runner
– mining (this way you can get a lot of Eve online isk)
– pirating

In Eve online there are about thirty classes of spacecrafts – this split is even not that precise, because that all spaceships are very different and has various abilities and usefulness. Only a Mothership is a Carrier class, because it’s just unique. If you dreamed about Titan class starship, you can check out more about each, because there 5 types of these powerful starships.

Eve online books

•October 17, 2009 • Comments Off on Eve online books

If you are at least fascinated in reading books within the world, of Eve Online you have got an opportunity to do it. There are currently two books available – „EVE – The Empyrean Age” by T. Gonzales and „EVE – The Burning Life” by Hjalti Danielsson as well.

What can I say more? I just love Eve and I am pretty sure that I will purchase both of these books soon. Why I couldn’t read about what I would like to enjoy while you are mining Eve isk? Oh you are asking, what about these books are? Sure, let me give you an answer.

„These are times, which give the trial to the man’s soul.

Nameless clone finds out about his past and is being hunted for crime, which he can’t remember and additionally, is close to the center of power in New Eden. Compromitated ambassador has contact with a mysterious woman, who knows everything about him, and know also about plan against his rules. Soon his actions will unleash a furious anger of a whole civilization.”

If you feel intrigued, you should check out the main Eve Online shop and just purchase it. As I already mentioned, I will purchase this book for sure, because Eve Online isk is just a great universe, when it comes for writing a books. It’s so realistic, not like the „Science fantasy” Star Wars. Eve Online isk is for mature people! And I am talking here about emotional part, physic one doesn’t matter that much.

After many centuries from the time of collapsing of portal, many survived colonies transformed into five huge empires – Gallente Federation, Minmatar Republic, Ammar Empire, Caldari Empire and Jovian Empire as well – few smaller and independent, nations and states – all these fractions had been living in peace and were helping everyone to survive. But during the last time, technological and scientific progress has loosen the tie between all races. Nobody knows, for how much time more every empire will be able to co-operate with each other. It will be hard to avoid upcoming war and generating Eve isk.

I really like all kind of books related to games like all Warhammer saga with the adventures of Gotrek Gurnisson and Felix Jaeger. Alongside Dungeons & Dragons’ Greyhawk setting, Warhammer is among the oldest of commercial fantasy worlds, a direct descendant of both that game and Tolkien’s Middle-earth though the 1st edition cited Robert E Howard (Conan). Outside of games, there have also been numerous amazing novels and great short stories by various authors set in the Warhammer world, the most famous of which are the Gotrek and Felix novels by William King ( I read a lot of books about them and each is fantastic!). Recently Games Workshop licensed out the rights for comic books which is really great idea, because now we will be able to read more about fantastic adventures in this very exciting and large world. Old World in my opinion is superb.